best actor of his generation

Det här är lätt dom bästa intervjuerna någonsin med Leonardo DiCaprio.
Andra videon är roligast när han imiterar sin grandmother .

Sån jävla bra skådespelare som också är galet smart, rolig, trevlig och fantastisk aktivist .

Jay: does she give you careeradvise?
Leo: yeah, she certainly loves Titanic, it's her favorite movie.
She always askes me why I don't look as pretty as I did in Titianic...and that I am very ugly in this movie and I should put my hair back and walk down the stairs again .
But(clears throat) you know, she's ultimatley great, cause she ultimatley doesn't care weather I'm an actor or not. You know, she tells me that acting is a lot of (makes talkgeastures with his hands) "this". (imitates his grandmother); "Do someting with you hands, you know lay brick or something, do something"'
Jay: get a real job
Leo: exactly


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