Today's quote .

Cinderellas story; "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game ."
Today's quote .

Nathan; "It´s been said that we just don´t recognize the significant moments of our lives while they´re happening. We grow complacent with ideas or things or people and we take them for granted. And it´s usually not until that thing is about to be taken away from you that you realize how wrong you´ve been, that you realize how much you really need it, how much you love it. God I love this game."
Today's famous quote .
Shakespeare; "Love all. Trust few. Do wrong to no one"
Today's quote

Brooke: "Before we end the night I just want to say a few words about Nathan and Haley. I told them once, not too long ago to be happy because someday they'd make us all believe in true love. And they do. In a few days they're going to renew that love for all of us to see. But in a way we see it everyday. The only difference is that Haley will look fabulous in her dress by Clothes Over Bros, which is kind of odd seeing as how she's marrying a bro, but that's not the point, sorry. One rainy day Nathan Scott proposed to Haley James and the rest is a fairy tale..."
today's quote

Brooke: "Here's all you really need to know about today. If you're fat, dumb, sexual and a guy, your're okay. If you're a girl, not so much. Please tell me that's changed in the future. And somebody tell me you've got love figured out. Beucause I've got new for you, it's pretty darn messy right know. But I guess ot's always been that way, wanting to be loved. To find somebody that makes your heart ache in a good way. To feel understood. So, If you're a robot, or aliens, or something and tou're watching this right now and that feeling no longer exist, you missed it and I feel sorry for you. Because as far as I can tell, that's what it's all about, and that's what it always shoud be about."
Today's famous quote
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; "All are architects of fate? so look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. "
today's quote .

Lucas; Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always. A promise. Like a reward for persisting through life so long alone. A belief in each other and the possibility of love. A decision to ignore, simply rise above the pain of the past. A covenant, which at once binds two souls and yet severs prior ties. A celebration of the chance taken and the challenge that lies ahead. For two will always be stronger than one, like a team braced against the tempest civil world. And love will always be the guiding force in our lives. For tonight is mere formality. Only an announcement to the world of feelings long held. Promises made long ago. In the sacred spaces of our hearts
today's famous quote .
JFK; Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past let us accept our own responsibility for the future.
the quote of the day .

"I thought I knew you. But I guess it's easier.. to see what we want, than to look for the truth. You think you know me but you don't; and that means you don't know what I can do. You see me as someone who's popular... and has all the answers; that's not true. I may not always know what I'm doing... but I'll try make things better. And when I make a mistake... because face it, we all do...I promise I'll ask for your help. I can't do this alone. But if you'll take a chance on me, we can do great things together. I promise, if you believe in me, I'll find the courage to reach for your every dream. John F. Kennedy said; "The courage of life is a magnificent mixture triumph and tragedy. A man does what he must, in spite of personal consequences... in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures.. and that is the basis of all morality."
Today's famous quote .
Tennessee Williams; When so many are lonely? as seem to be lonely it would be inexcusably selfish? to be lonely alone.
Today's quote .

You can not run away from weakness; You must fight it out or perish. And if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?
- Lucas Scott
Today's quote .

Yeah, losing your heart's desire is tragic. But gaining your heart's desire... It's all you can hope for. This year, I wished for love. To immerse myself in someone else and to wake a heart long afraid to feel. My wish was granted. And if having that is tragic... then give me tragedy. Because, I wouldn't give it back for the world.
Today's famous quote .
Kahil Gibran; "Your reason and your passion are the rudder and sails of your seafaring soul. If either be broken, you can both toss and drift or else be held at at standstill in mid-seas. For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining. And passion, unattended is a flame that burns to its own destruction."
Dagens citat .

I'm not the most eloquent speaker, so I thought I would borrow a few words from Shakespeare. 'Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds.' When life gets hard, when things change, true love remains the same. I look at Nathan and Haley and some how I feel safer. I don't know if I can explain that, but they give me hope. And, I'm afraid say it out loud because maybe if life finds out it'll try to beat it out of them and that will be a shame. Because, we all can use a little hope sometimes, you know. That feeling that everything's going to be okay and that there's going to be someone there to help make sure of that. So, here's to Nathan and Haley, and here's to hope, and here's to a love that will not alter.
Today's famous quote .
"There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound up in sorrows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now a float. And we must take the current when it serves or lose our ventures".
the quote of the day .

"We just heard Principal Turner read a list of Erica's accomplishments. I could try to do that for Brooke but it would be kind of a short speach. As you know, Brooke's probobly one of the most popular people in school. Something I'm definitely not. And yet she's my friend. She never cared what clique I was part of the kinds of clothes I wore or the fact that I have to ride the bus. She looked past all that stuff. And when you think about it, isn't that what we want in our president? Someone who can see past the superficial differences and bring us together? This year, Brooke's had her share of up's and downs. Just like all of us. But most of you never saw it, because even when life got hard, Brooke never let it in.She was just Brooke. Tough, smart, one of a kind. And I don't know about you, but those are things that I look for in a leader. Brooke Davis is my friend,. But that's not wy I'm voiting for her, I'm voiting for her because of her heart and her spirit and because she's the best person for the job."
Today's famous quote .
Dagens citat .
At this moment there are six billion, 470 million, 818 thousand,671 hundred people in the world.
Some are running scared. Some are coming home .
Some tell lies to make it through the day, others are just now facing the truth.
Some are evil men, at war with good and some are good, struggling with evil.
Six billion people in the world. Six billion souls and sometimes, all you need is one
Nalle puh
- Nalle Puh
the quote -
"Many people die with their music still in them. Too often it is because theay are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out."