Jokes at the conference
På pressconfrencen in London skämtade Skådespelarna och Tim Burton mycket, sitter fan och asgarar åt dom.
Burton: My favorite line in the film was when he (johnny) just says.... "what"......
Johnny skrattar och lutar sig sedan fram och säger;
Depp: 75 takes.
Helena Carter är ju tillsamans med Tim Burton som har gjort filmen så hon fick en fråga om det var svårt att jobba med honom....
Helena Carter: I dont wanna feel like I got the part just because I slept with him. But at the end of the day, Steven Sondheim has the final saying and I definitley didn't sleep with him so..
Burton: That's not what he said
Alla skrattar och sedan lägger Johnny in;
Depp: I haven't slept with anyone
Helena Carter: Ever
Depp: I shaved a few but I never..
Depp: Honestly the killing of everyone was sort of the easy part, the most dufficult bit was acually ladering them up and shaving them. That's the part that freaked me up the most
Timothy: I asked if he could give me a brazilian, but he wouldn't