Eonline utser one tree hill till bästa serie
www.eonline.com låtar fansen rösta på sin favorit serie i två delar. i den första delen vann One tree hill med 28 % så i den andra delen fick inte one tree hill vara med eftersom det inte skulle vara "rättvist" Alla andra serier fick typ 0,5-3 % så vi kan med det se att one tree hill är ganska överlägsen.
Och folk säger att One tree hill inte är populär någonstans. Sure, One tree hill går vid halv 7 på söndagar i Sverige men I USA går det kl nio på tisdagar. De flesta i Sverige har bara dålig smak på tvprogram, vet inte vad som är magnifika program och vilka som suger .
A funny thing happened on the way to determining your favorite shows. The One Tree Hill fans went berserk.
That's pretty much what went down with our first annual TV Throwdown Poll, in which we asked you to vote for the one series you loved best in all of the year 2007. One Tree Hill came in with a whopping 28 percent of the vote out of about 100 series.
Five Reasons to Watch the New One Tree Hill
- Our Little Babes Are All Growed Up: In case you hadn't heard, the fifth season of One Tree Hill skips forward four years, so the Grease-like suspension of age disbelief is gone, and the actors, who are all now ages 22-26 in real life, are playing much closer to their actual ages. This new angle gives OTH a nice boost of realism, as well as the ability to give us more life-altering twists (engagements, weddings, career drama, etc.) to propel the plot forward. Translation: This ain't your '07 OTH.
- The Characters Are the Same...But Different: Yes, these are still the same people we knew and loved at Tree Hill High, but they've come a long way. Brooke is now a fashion designer, Peyton is in the music industry (Hosting TRL? Kidding), Lucas is a novelist/basketball coach (all set to grow up and pen One Tree Hill) and Nathan and Haley are still happily(?) married and the proud parents of their now four-year-old son, played by Jackson Brundage.
- You'll Get to See a Smidge of College: Yes, executive producer Mark Schwan smartly decided to skip over the college years (after learning from our good old friends at the Peach Pit that no one watches the college years), but will serve up flashbacks in episodes to show you how the gang got to where they are now. (So Lost-alicious, no?)
- Romance Is Still in the Air: Sure, they have careers and cribs and couture clothing, but there's still much time spent on the romantic entanglements fans have grown to love. While Brooke flies single for most of the season, Lucas and Peyton have more than a few surprises in store, including what certainly sounds like wedding bells. (Get ready for the Blucas revolt!)
- There's No End in Sight: Like nearly every other show out there, Tree Hill's production was shut down in the midst of its planned season-episode number 12, to be exact, which happens to be the show's 100th and leaves plenty of storylines hanging. Just another reason to hope the writers and studios come back to the bargaining table pronto.