tunnelbanan åkande
HAHAHA det var en snubbe vid medis som kom fram till mig när jag väntade på tåget.
Han ba " where are yuo from" och typ smörja som " you are so beautiful" oc h" you are so good looking"
Jag ba "allright" han ba " are you taking this train, I want to talk to you"
Jag ba " I want to listen to my music" Han ba " You can stop your music, I'm not permanetent"
Det var ju bra det jag sa bara " I'm feeling the music so bye" HAHAHAHA vilken tönt.
Han ba " where are yuo from" och typ smörja som " you are so beautiful" oc h" you are so good looking"
Jag ba "allright" han ba " are you taking this train, I want to talk to you"
Jag ba " I want to listen to my music" Han ba " You can stop your music, I'm not permanetent"
Det var ju bra det jag sa bara " I'm feeling the music so bye" HAHAHAHA vilken tönt.