Top 10 Coolest TV Mothers as voted by YOU! - Portrait Magazine

#1. Haley James Scott [One Tree Hill]
Considering how rabid and dedicated Portrait readers are when it comes to One Tree Hill, is it really a surprise that Haley has taken out the top spot and replaced fellow One Tree Hill mother Karen Roe, in our poll this year? However, it's all with good reason when it comes to this young mum. Motherhood hasn't exactly been easy on Haley - from the unexpected pregnancy during senior year, to Nathan's accident, to nanny Carrie manipulating behind the scenes, yet through all of this, Haley has managed to remain strong and brave for her son, and do her best to protect him from all the bad things that have happened. But its not just Haley's strength and protectiveness over her son that has made her your number one TV mother, but also her ability to be cutesy and adorable with son Jamie. Admit it, there cute little moments like "I L-O-V-E You" and their eskimo kisses make you aww and kind of wish Haley was your mom or that you were Jamie.
The Complete List
1. Haley James Scott [One Tree Hill] - 75% on 5250 votes
2. Nicole Trager [Kyle XY] - 4% on 289 votes
3. Lily van der Woodsen [Gossip Girl] - 4% on 278 votes
4. Tami Taylor [Friday Night Lights] - 2% on 171 votes
5. Nikki Sanders [Heroes] - 2% on 160 votes
6. Lynnette Scavo [Desperate Housewives] - 2% on 138 votes
7. Hilda Suarez [Ugly Betty] - 2% on 137 votes
8. Nora MacDonald [Life With Derek] - 2% on 128 votes
9. Marge Simpson [The Simpsons] - 2% on 120 votes
10. Bree van der Kamp [Desperate Housewives] - 2% on 110 votes
11. Lois Griffin [Family Guy] - 1% on 95 votes
12. Susan Mayer [Desperate Housewives] - 1% on 85 votes
13. Claire Littleton [Lost] - 1% on 62 votes